ON THE ROAD TO BERLIN - England's Welcome To American Boys [Main]

Year: 1917
Runtime: 11 mins
Description: The parade moves through Saint James's Park and into Wellington Barracks, including a group of US Civil War veterans in civilian clothes with banners. Ambassador Walter Page waits for the parade outside Buckingham Palace, talking with Major-General John Biddle. The parade continues back through Saint James's Park. Waiting outside Buckingham Palace King George V talks with General Biddle. Also present are Queen Mary, Dowager Queen Alexandra, Lieutenant-General Sir Francis Lloyd and Lord French. The parade goes past Buckingham Palace and returns to Wellington Barracks where Lloyd talks to some of the US officers. Outside the barracks the men rest and eat, while WAAC ladies serve them with lemonade. Soldiers play with two small girls. A US sergeant shows a Coldstream Guards sergeant his copy of a letter from King George given to all US troops. Shown in close-up, this welcomes the Americans to "the great battle for human freedom".
A parade of United States soldiers through the centre of London, 15th August 1917.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Page, Walter Hines / George V, King / Alexandra, Queen / Mary, Queen / French, John Denton Pinkstone / Lloyd, Francis / Lloyd George, David / Biddle, John / British Army, Coldstream Guards / United States Army & American Expeditionary Force / British Army, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps1 / ceremonies, United States - display / society, United States military - sustenance / society, United States military - friendship / society, British military - friendship / buildings, British - military: barracks / 31/3(41) / GB, England & London, SW
/ GB, England & London, SW / GB, England & London, SW / Children / Children and war -
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Document type: